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Our ‘Green Group’ Environmental Policy

Davies Veterinary Specialists recognise that all businesses impact on the environment in a variety of different ways. As such we are committed to the continual improvement of our environmental performance in relation to our services and operations.

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We have identified the following key environmental impacts associated with the provision of veterinary care at Davies Veterinary Specialists;

  • Consumption of electricity, water, gas and oil
  • Use of volatile halogenated anaesthetic gases
  • Waste production and disposal
  • Paper usage
  • Transport of personnel and animals
  • Procurement and supplies

The company is committed to reducing these and other impacts and to the continual improvement of our environmental performance. Our policy is to comply with environmental legislation and regulations relevant to our organisation and its activities, according to the EU and Environment Agency. Davies Veterinary Specialists have achieved Silver level accreditation with Investors in the Environment (iiE) accreditation and are working towards Green level.

We are committed to working with our staff, customers, referring practices, suppliers, investors, contractors, regulatory bodies, colleagues and neighbours to achieve the following objectives;

  • Increase cost-effectiveness by reducing our consumption of energy and raw materials
  • Reduce waste and carbon emissions both locally and in the wider environment
  • Systematically assess the environmental impact of all aspects of our company
  • Set targets for measurable annual improvements
  • Make our progress available for independent assessment (iiE).

It is the responsibility of all employees, visitors and contractors to fully support this policy through active participation and co-operation.

This environmental policy will be displayed at all times and is openly available to all members of the public via our website –

The introduction and implementation of this policy is a commitment of Davies Veterinary Specialists’ management and a shared responsibility with our employees.  Ellie West has designated responsibility for day-to-day implementation of this policy.

The policy will be reviewed annually as part of the organisations overall environment management plan.


N Bayston

POSITION: Finance Director

DATE: 12th August 2019


CONTACT DETAILS: Ellie West, Clinical Veterinary Anaesthetist (

Linnaeus Veterinary Limited trading as Davies Veterinary Specialists 01582 883950

©2024 Davies Veterinary Specialists