A few months ago our Chartered Physiotherapists Di and Sarah were invited to spend the day with the Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire Constabulary Specialist Operations Dog Unit at one of their training days.

This was an opportunity to see what their working dogs, like the fabulous Finn, are asked to do in their everyday tasks and the demands that may be placed upon their bodies. These unsung heroes are trained to the highest standard and are placed into many different situations for pursuit, searching and tracking which their bodies must adapt to.

The aim for our team was to assist the unit in identifying the potential for injury in their dogs and how they can minimise this. This also included analysis of new body armour that was being trialled by the unit. Understanding the possible mechanisms of injury will also enable our team to rehabilitate these working dogs much more effectively if the need arises. The Specialists Operations Dog Unit also welcomed our camera crew where we captured some amazing highlights of an unforgettable day.
We would like to say a huge thank you to Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Dog Unit for making us feel so welcome.
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