Wheelchair helps Harris regain his mobility and independence

In January of this year, Harris became non ambulatory paraplegic with no deep pain perception in his pelvic (hind) limbs.
He underwent spinal surgery to decompress the spinal cord, removing the disc material that was causing this.
Harris made excellent progress in recovering pelvic limb function but he still lacked muscular strength in the antigravity structures of these limbs. As a result, this meant he could only walk with the assistance of an abdominal sling or harness.
The decision to fit Harris with a wheelchair was made when, after four months of intensive land and water-based rehabilitation, he was still unable to enjoy a normal walk with his owners and sister which the wheelchair has now enabled him to. Harris has good motor function in the pelvic limbs and therefore they do not need to be placed in the stirrups for protection on non-abrasive surfaces. This upright position can help improve strength and function of these limbs.

Rehabilitation continues to be essential but a wheelchair can be an invaluable addition when introduced at the right stage of recovery.
Harris’ physiotherapist Di Messum said:
“Harris’ case dispels the myth that putting your patient in a wheelchair means they will never walk again. As physiotherapists, our aim is to minimise pain and restore mobility, function and quality of life for our patient. So we were thrilled to be able to help Harris regain his independence and we all look forward to seeing his ongoing progress.”
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