Local Information

For your convenience we have collected together some information on a few local places and services which may be useful during your visit to us

To view our local information factsheet click here

Food / Drink

The Olde Watermill Shopping Village
Faldo Rd, Barton-le-Clay, MK45 4RF
0845 872 0507
Includes a garden centre, a selection of small shops and a restaurant/café.
Opening Times: Monday to Saturday 9:30am to 5:30pm
Directions – turn right out of Manor Farm Business Park. Follow this road until you reach a large roundabout, take the second exit on to the A6 towards Luton. As you join the A6, get across straight away into the right hand lane, take the right turn then turn immediately left into the Olde Watermill.

The Live and Let Live
Pegsdon Way, Pegdson, SG5 3JX
01582 881739
Open from 11:00am, food served 12:00pm–3:00pm and 6:00pm–9:00pm .
Directions – Turn left out of Manor Farm Business Park, then turn immediately right. At the end of the lane turn right on to Mill Lane and then at the crossroads, turn left on to the B655. The pub is on the left.

The Raven
Hexton, Hitchin, SG5 3JB
01582 881209
Open from 10.00am.  Food served 12-9pm every day. Dogs allowed in garden only.
Directions – Turn left out of Manor Farm Business Park, then turn immediately right, the pub is at the end of this lane.

The Fox
High Street, Pirton, SG5 3PS
01462 712691
Open 12 noon until late. Food served Thu-Sun 12-3pm.
Directions – Turn left out of Manor Farm Business Park, follow the road round a sharp bend to the right and follow signs to Pirton. Once you reach the village turn right on to the High Street.
Hitchin town centre is about 15 minutes drive, with various shops & restaurants/cafes.
Directions – Turn left out of Manor Farm Business Park, then turn immediately right. Turn right at the Raven Pub and at the end of the lane, turn left onto the B655. Follow this road through to Hitchin and follow signs for town centre car parking.



Yew Tree House B&B
19 Bedford Rd Barton-le-Clay, MK45 4JX
01582 521592
Directions – turn right out of Manor Farm Business Park. Follow this road until you reach a large roundabout, take the first exit in to Barton-le-Clay. Go straight over the next roundabout on to Bedford Road.

The Old Forge B&B
133 Sharpenhoe Road, Streatley, LU3 3PS
01582 882145
Directions – turn right out of Manor Farm Business Park. Follow this road until you reach a large roundabout, take the second exit on to the A6 towards Luton. At the next roundabout, take the third exit on to Church Road, then turn left on to Sharpenhoe Road.

The Live and Let Live
Pegsdon Way, Pegsdon, SG5 3JX
01582 881739
Directions – see entry in food/drink section above.



Barton Taxis – 01582 584723

Britannia Cabs – 01525 876060 / 01525 877777



Linnaeus Veterinary Limited trading as Davies Veterinary Specialists 01582 883950

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