Rachel Lockhart
BVM&S CertVOphthal MRCVS
Resident in Ophthalmology
After graduating from Edinburgh University in 2001 Rachel worked in small animal general practice where she developed a keen interest in ophthalmology. She was awarded the RCVS Certificate in Veterinary Ophthalmology in 2009 and since then she has worked in several referral centres across the North West of England. She was awarded RCVS Advanced Practitioner status in Veterinary Ophthalmology in 2015.
Rachel is currently undertaking a residency programme here at Davies and studying for the European Diploma in Veterinary Ophthalmology.
“I feel privileged to be working with such a highly skilled, supportive, collaborative, multi-disciplinary team, helping me develop my skills and training to the highest level which in turn will enable me to provide the best treatment and care for our patients.”